What is Security Hardening ? Security hardening is to reduce security risk by eliminating potential attack vectors and condensing the system's attack surface. Since the usage of slack is very extensive at Halodoc, this is what drives us to do Security hardening for this application. At the same time Halodoc must be prudent in reducing attack vectors and maintain security controls that prevent unauthorized users from gaining access, as well as blocking legitimate users from exceeding their authorization. Secure access to information and technology resources on demand is important. Halodoc uses Slack as one of the collaboration tools. We can use the same email address to join as many workspaces as we like, but we will have separate Slack accounts for each one. When joining a workspace, we create an account using your email address. Slack workspace is made up of channels, where team members can communicate and work together.

In addition to these online communication features, Slack can also integrate with other software. Slack is a messaging program designed specifically for the office, but has also been adopted for personal use, refer to this web site, Slack offers many IRC-style features, including persistent chat rooms (channels) organized by topic, private groups, and direct messaging. Halodoc choose Slack as a tool to carry out all collaborative activities because it has high-security standards that can cover the needs of Halodoc users. Collaboration tools must also be able to guarantee the security of every user on Halodoc. Questions, comments, concerns? Contact us here.Halodoc is a fast-growing Health-Tech company and needs a collaboration tool that can make it easier for every user to collaborate on content creation anytime and anywhere.
Slack multiple workspaces same email download#
If you want to transfer select videos and are on our Business or Enterprise account, you can download a video from one Workspace and manually upload it to your preferred Workspace as a workaround. Please note you will only be able to transfer content in bulk. If you need to transfer content between workspace, you can do so by following the steps here. Content can only be shared among those members of the Workspace. That means each Workspace can have different teams with different members.

Your new Workspace is entirely separate from any other Workspaces you have. You can change your default Workspace in the Workspace switcher or in your personal settings. Any new recordings you create will be saved in the Personal Library of the Workspace you've set as default. Once you're a member of more than one Workspace, you'll see the option to change your default Workspace at the top left of your screen. You'll be notified in-app and via email when this happens, and you can always change the default Workspace (see below). For example, if you're a member of both a Business Workspace and a Starter Workspace, your Business Workspace will automatically become default. If you're part of multiple Workspaces, we'll automatically select your default Workspace based on plans and Workspace sizes. To move between Workspaces, just switch the toggle in the Workspace switcher in the top left of your Workspace. If you're an Admin of your Workspace, you can set each up with different configurations such as appearance ( custom branding), security ( SSO), and more to come in the future. You may be invited to join different Workspaces to reflect different teams or projects, as videos in your Team Library are otherwise visible to everyone on your team. Through multiple Workspaces, you can have different members in different Workspaces so that each group of people has access to different content. Your Workspace keeps your content separated inside a single Loom account. In addition to this, you can be part of multiple Workspaces if you're invited by other members. If you have an existing Loom account and you join your team on a Business account, we'll automatically create a Personal Workspace, where your existing content will be migrated, alongside your team's Workspace. Each Workspace can contain totally different members and content, and individual members of one Workspace won't be able to see other Workspaces you're in. Libraries and folders help you keep your work organized while using Loom, but separate Workspaces take this a step further by functioning totally independently of each other-all within a single account. Stay organized through separate Workspaces, all within one account.